University of Tennessee

Natalie L. Haslam College of Music

Knoxville, TN USA

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Quick Facts

  • Total Number of Undergraduate Voice Students: 21 - 50
  • Total Number of Graduate Voice Students: 0 - 20
  • Total Number of Voice Faculty: 0 - 10
  • Degrees Offered: BM, BME, BA, Graduate Certificate, Artist Diploma
  • In-State Tuition (per semester): $0 - $10,000
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per semester): $10,001 - $20,000


Knoxville Opera Studio is a part of the MM in vocal performance. All graduate students, whether KOS or not, eligible to participate in professional performance opportunities with Knoxville Opera Company.


The School of Music is committed to promoting the values of free and bold intellectual inquiry,

meaningful musical expression, vibrant civic engagement, respect for diversity, and an

understanding of the rich musical heritage of our nation and the world.


The School of Music at the University of Tennessee is a diverse community of teachers, learners,

scholars, and performers who seek to advance knowledge of and excellence in the craft,

expression, understanding, and interpretation of music. We train the next generation of music

professionals (e.g., composers, educators, performers, and scholars) and aspire to be a leader

among professional music schools.

As part of its mission, the School:

• enriches the musical and educational lives of its students, the university community and

citizens of Tennessee;

• develops technical and artistic excellence in performance and pedagogy;

• fosters critical understanding of theoretical, historical and cultural studies of music;

• promotes effective and innovative skill in music education.


The School of Music faculty, students, and alumni will have a significant role in the musical

culture and the musical dialogues of the nation and the world.

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