CS Vocal Competition

Your Voice is Heard!

May 23-26, 2025 • Chicago

Video Prescreen Auditions: November 1 – May 1 (online)
Live Prescreen: May 23, 2025 in Chicago
Second Round/Finals: May 24-26, 2025 in Chicago
Registration Opens November 1  

Sing in the Competition, Get Feedback from Faculty, Attend Masterclasses, and

Connect with Programs at the Expo Recruiting Fair

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Competition Registration includes a FREE Convention Pass for the 100+ Masterclasses and Expo Recruiting!


High School 1 – Freshmen and Sophomores
High School 2 – Juniors and Seniors
University – All Undergraduates
Young Artist/Pre-Professional

Competition Details

  • $13,000 in Cash Prizes


  • $4 Million+ in University Scholarships Awarded Annually


  • Written Feedback from University Faculty and Industry Professionals


  • Free Convention Pass


Registration Fee:
Sing in the Prescreen Round for just $25. Then, if you advance and come to Chicago, pay the remaining $65 Second Round fee (includes accompanist fees, Convention Pass to 100+ masterclasses and workshops, Expo Recruiting Fair ticket, and all remaining rounds of the Competition).

Singers can audition in both classical and musical theatre, but must register separately for each category.

Sign Up for the Online Prescreen Round, Nov 1 – May 1

or a

Live Prescreen Audition

Online Prescreen Auditions

Online Prescreen Audition Guidelines:
• Singers submit ONE video-recorded song selection.
• Selections should be no longer than 7 minutes.
• The same selection or a new one can be used for later rounds.

Submit a Video

Upload to YouTube a new self-recording and add it to your application. Click for more INSTRUCTIONS

Get Reviewed

CS judges review your video and give you written feedback and an overall score.


All qualified singers advance to the LIVE Second Round in Washington, D.C., May 25-26.

Sign Up for a Prescreen Audition  

Live Prescreen Audition Options

  • May 23 – Chicago, IL at the CS Music Convention

Live Prescreen Audition Guidelines
• One selection up to 7 minutes in length.
• Accompanists are provided, but singers can bring their own.
• There is no time to rehearse with accompanists.

Registration Opens November 1  

Second Round and Finals

All Second Round and Final events are held at the CS Music Convention.

  • May 23-26, 2025 at the Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk Hotel
  • $65 Registration Fee
    • Includes:
      • Convention Pass to attend any of the 100+ masterclasses, workshops, and presentations
      • Free entrance to the Expo Recruiting Fair
      • All accompanist fees
      • All remaining rounds of the Competition


General Schedule

Saturday, May 24 – Sunday, May 25

  • CS Vocal Competition SECOND ROUND
    10 am – 8 pm each day

    • Singers perform 1 selection
    • Top 25-40 from each division advance to the Semifinal Round
    • Daytime audition attire appropriate
    • Accompanist provided


  • Convention Masterclasses and Workshops
    9:30 am – 8:30 pm each day

    • Free to attend with Second Round Registration
    • 100+ classes to choose from
    • Volunteer to sing during the class or pre-purchase a Guaranteed Singer Card ($55/card)
    • Classes taught by Juilliard, Eastman, San Francisco Conservatory, NEC, Michigan, and more than 70 other universities, summer programs, and professional organizations.


  • Expo Recruiting Fair
    1:00 – 5:00 pm day

    • Free to attend with Second Round Registration
    • 70+ schools, colleges, summer programs, and professional organizations
    • Meet one-on-one with college recruiters and jump start the recruiting process!
    • View last year’s attending schools


Monday, May 26

  • Semifinal Round
    9:30 am – 1:30 pm

    • Singers perform 1 selection
    • Top 5-10 from each division advance to the Final Round
    • Daytime audition attire appropriate
    • Accompanist provided


  • Final Round
    3:00 – 6:00 pm

    • Singers perform 1 selection
    • Formal attire appropriate but not required
    • Accompanist provided


  • Awards Announcement
    6:00 – 7:00 pm

    • University Scholarships announced
    • Top 3 winners announced for each Division

Competition Divisions:

*Singers can do both Classical and Musical Theatre divisions, but must register for each division separately.
Classical Divisions (click to view)

High School 1 – Freshmen and Sophomores

  • Minimum age of 14
  • Must be a current high school Freshman or Sophomore

High School 2 – Juniors and Seniors

  • Minimum age of 14
  • Must be a current high school Junior or Senior
  • Cannot be attending a university program


  • Ages 18-24 as of May 25, 2024
  • No undergraduate or graduate performance degree as of January 1, 2024
  • High school graduate or equivalent

Classical Young Artist/Emerging Pro

  • Minimum age of 22
  • No age limit
  • Recommended to have a degree in vocal-related field or significant vocal training
  • No principal roles with A or B level companies

Musical Theatre Division (click to view)

High School 1 – Freshmen and Sophomores

  • Minimum age of 14
  • Must be a current high school Freshman or Sophomore

High School 2 – Juniors and Seniors

  • Minimum age of 14
  • Must be a current high school Junior or Senior
  • Cannot be attending a university program


  • Minimum age of 18
  • No age limit
  • Recommended to have a degree in vocal-related field or significant vocal training
  • No lead experience on Broadway

General Guidelines

Classical Divisions Rep

  • Singers should choose repertoire at a level appropriate to their vocal development.
  • Art songs or Arias are accepted.
  • Repertoire can be in any language.

Musical Theatre Divisions Rep

  • Selections can come from Broadway, off-Broadway, and revival shows.
  • Both mix/belt and legit style singing are accepted and judged equally.
  • Singers should be able to demonstrate strong acting abilities as appropriate to the literature.
  • Operetta is not accepted in the Musical Theatre divisions.


  • More than $4,000,000 of university and summer program scholarships will be offered to Competition participants.
  • Any singer who advances from the First Round is eligible to win a scholarship.
  • Scholarships are given completely at the discretion of the school offering it. The majority of the scholarships will go to juniors or sophomores as most seniors have already committed to a specific school.
  • $13,000 in cash prizes will also be given to the national winners at the Awards Concert.
2023 Competition Results

Congratulations 2023 Competition Winners!

Classical High School 1

1st Place
Meghan Linnington (CA)

2nd Place
Noyi Soto-Anglade (CO)

3rd Place
Lukas Palys (TX)


Classical High School 2

1st Place
Jade Rojas (FL)

2nd Place
Lucia Papikian (MA)

3rd Place
Avantika Swaminathan (CA)

Classical University

1st Place
Christian Shelton (NV)

2nd Place
Anna Low (UT)

3rd Place
Alicia Marisol Werner (AZ)


Classical Young Artist/Emerging Professional

1st Place
Mariya Kaganskaya (CA)

2nd Place
Phoebe Chee (CA)

3rd Place
Sandra Keerthi (NY)


Musical Theatre High School 1

1st Place
Rosie Goade (UT)

2nd Place
Adelina Mukhametzhanova (MN)

3rd Place
Madeline Hansen (GA)


Musical Theatre High School 2

1st Place
Sarah Bennett (UT)

2nd Place
Imani Harris (MN)

3rd Place
Annika Boman (UT)


Musical Theatre University/Pre-Professional

1st Place
Julien Gussman (CA)

2nd Place
Tia Lempert (OR)

3rd Place
Rebecca Calix (CA)

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For questions, email Katie Ator-Anderson at support@csmusic.net.