Summer Program


Waunakee, WI USA
High School
Musical Theatre

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Quick Facts


Founded in 1932, Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, statewide association serving more than 3,500 music teachers and school administrators in the education of 220,000+ students who annually participate in the organization’s activities through their school’s membership. WSMA is a leader in providing programs and services that challenge youth to achieve excellence through music.

The association, including more than 1,000 member schools, is governed by a board of directors consisting of school administrators elected from 10 geographic districts, three elected officers from Wisconsin Music Educators Association, the state music consultant, a community representative and a representative from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards. Under their leadership, WSMA has created a Strategic Plan to guide us as we challenge our youth to achieve excellence through music. Learn more about WSMA and its partnering organizations at the Wisconsin Center for Music Education in the “Understanding Your State Associations & Foundation” presentation (PDF).

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