
Accademia di Musica Pinerolo

Accademia di Musica di Pinerolo e Torino

Pinerolo, IT-21 ITA

Style & Level

Undergraduate, Graduate

Quick Facts

  • Degrees Offered: Master, Doctorate


One of the most prestigious schools of advanced music training in Italy, the Accademia di Musica di Pinerolo e Torino has been open since 1994 and each year has more than 580 students enrolled in its many courses and masterclasses: piano, viola, violin, cello, orchestra training, chamber music and now, voice. It is located in the northwestern Piemonte region, with some classes taking place in Turin, others in nearby Pinerolo.

Absolutely new in the field of music education in Italy, the first Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Musicali (Postgraduate Specialist Courses in Music Performance) began in the 2019/2020 academic year. The courses, in solo piano, solo contemporary piano, violin, viola, cello and guitar, are recognized by the MIUR (Ministry for Education, Universities and Research). In 2024/2025, a new Postgraduate Specialist Course in Singing Performance will be offered (Advanced Training, Doctorate).

As well as the many taught courses offering rigorous training for potential professional musicians, the Accademia has its own concert season and biannually holds an international chamber music Competition.

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