University of Maryland

School of Music - Voice & Opera

College Park, MD USA

Style & Level

Undergraduate, Graduate

Quick Facts

  • Total Number of Undergraduate Students: 100+
  • Total Number of Graduate Students: 100+
  • Total Number of Faculty: 21 - 50
  • Degrees Offered: Bachelors, Master, Doctorate
  • In-State Tuition (per semester): $5,001 - $10,000
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per semester): $15,001 - $25,000


Singers from around the world come to the University of Maryland to study with our internationally recognized voice and opera faculty. Our programs provide students with a comprehensive education that prepares them for careers as professional performers, educators, arts management specialists and much more.

Our undergraduate programs offer the choice of a concentrated vocal performance track or a broader liberal arts degree, often used by double-majors. Aspiring K–12 teachers can pursue a B.M.E. in choral education through our music education program.

At the graduate level, degrees in vocal performance focus on Lieder and vocal orchestral literature. Degrees in opera performance are devoted to operatic training through the Maryland Opera Studio. A third doctoral-level vocal pedagogy option emphasizes the training of advanced studio teachers and vocal coaches.

All courses of study include comprehensive classes in repertory, form, theory and history as well as concentrations in the performance, literature or pedagogy.


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