You Don't Get What You Deserve, Only What You Negotiate

By Mark Stoddard, author of Marketing Singers, a business and marketing guidebook written specifically for singers.

I know it is tough for singers to even think about negotiating because most are kind and gentle souls and negotiating seems like the antithesis of an artful persona. Granted.
So for my singer friends I’ve developed a program to help singers gently step into the role of negotiator without the pain and anguish.
I go into great detail at my seminars just for singers. My next such seminar is in Boston this week at the CS Convention (I’m doing a series of classes throughout the week and the negotiating-specific class is on Sunday, May 30 at 9:30 a.m. It is open to all singers.)
Let me give you a few tips to letting negotiating become as natural as breathing correctly during an aria.
Here are the Seven Steps to Success to becoming a natural negotiator:

  1. Thoroughly prepare. Know what you need and know what the industry standards are. I’ll give you those standards in the class. How much do singers typically get for various gigs? You’ve got to know that. And there is more to a job than money. Knowing that can help you to never sing for free again. That will help you get more singing jobs to help you become a better performer so you’ll land the contracts for Opera Houses that will land you the manager you need to do your negotiating. But you better know how to negotiate with the manager too.

  3. Know how to ask Intelligent Questions. Too many people talk too much and give away the store. Your job in negotiating is to ask the right questions.

  5. Always establish your value first. Who mentions price first, loses.

  7. Learn the simple rules of what to do and what not to do at the meeting. Like, never negotiate over the phone, and how to negotiate and even conclude a negotiation via email.

  9. Learn the Art of the Pause. Take a deep breath. Take a minute or ten or a day to think about things. It has a great effect.

  11. Learn the pattern of Yes-No-Yes. Once you get this pattern, it will become something you’ll use in a second hand nature without even thinking about it. It will become a natural part of you. A good part.

  13. Confirm everything in writing. You don’t need long legal contracts. I’ll show you very simple emails that will adequately protect you. Remember: conflicts generally arise from differing expectations. Some simple communication techniques will clear up potential misunderstanding and differing expectations. Works nine times out of ten and the one time it doesn’t won’t matter.

And, you need to be able to use the three most important words in negotiating – No Thank You – and mean them. We’ll talk about those too.
Negotiating is not accomplished by trickery, pressure or deception. Just learning simple, direct, honest and natural methods will help you relax and become a natural negotiator and advance your career.
See you soon!

Mark Stoddard, author of Marketings Singers, is a business leader, professor, marketer and consultant who has been helping singers get jobs for more than 20 years. On the singing front he staged more than 100 professional shows aboard cruise ships that employed classical singers, pianists and strings. He’s also coached singers on how to sell their CDs and other products, use the social media and how to negotiate contracts. Email Mark at


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