Unleashing the Creative You with the Second Chakra

Singers are called upon to bring a special creativity and interpretation to music in every performance. What would happen if on the day of your Met debut, you were to feel a creative block? It happens to everyone at some time, and yes, the hours of practice and muscle memory will do the job—but is there anything we can do to unblock the block? Working with the second chakra may help.

In her book, Anatomy of the Spirit, Caroline Myss writes that “second chakra energies need to create life, to ‘move the earth,’ to make an impression or contribution to the continuum of life as well as give us the desire to create music, art and poetry.”

Knowledge of this chakra is very important for the singer—it is directly connected to creativity and fluidity. Singers explore second chakra issues each time they step into a
practice room or on to a stage. Whether dealing with real life or a character from an opera, having freedom with this area is a key to a healthy life.

The Sanskrit word for this chakra is svadhisthana, which means “one’s own place.” Once you ground yourself in chakra one and your survival needs are met, you can move on to chakra two’s opening to enjoyment and pleasure. The second chakra, between the navel and groin, is the center of emotions, creativity, feelings, and sexuality. A balanced second chakra helps each of these centers move without restriction. It manifests by allowing you to learn to “go with the flow,” to open up to enjoyment in your life, and experience honor in your relationships with others.

Go with the flow

How many times have we been on stage wondering, “What just happened here?” Not often—we just go with it. Considering the different directors and singers we perform with each year, being able to “go with the flow” is a beneficial trait. Here’s an exercise to help with this fluidity.

Sit in easy pose or corpse pose and begin to take the breath as low and as slowly as possible. Do a progressive relaxation by tightening and releasing each part of your body, from your feet up to the crown of your head—then just be. As thoughts come into your mind, just imagine them floating by on a cloud. Do not connect with the thoughts.

You may find yourself being able to apply this technique to life events, on and off the stage.

Open up to enjoyment and pleasure in your life

Singers know how to have fun! I have noticed, though, that with the intense competition and pressure involved in a singer’s lifestyle, making time for enjoyment may be difficult. Singers just have too many “To-Do” lists to do. Pleasure and enjoyment provide healing and opening.

One technique to stretch the second chakra is to consciously bring more awareness to your senses. Take the time to appreciate a sunset, for example. Taste a good meal; listen to music. Take 20 minutes a day to take a break from the “judges” and spend time doing something you love. The more you allow pleasure in your life, the fewer second chakra blockages occur.

Experience honor in your relationships with others

Once you find your own place, you become more able to have honest, genuine relationships with others. This ability translates from real life to life on the stage. People with a strong second chakra have the ability, stamina, and confidence to survive on their own, and can embrace change, as well as passion, in their lives. A weak second chakra may present itself emotionally with a fear of loss of control, either of your emotions or physical body. Some negative physical manifestations of the second chakra include pelvic/low back pain, sciatica, or any issues dealing with the reproductive organs.

Second chakra yoga poses

Begin in corpse pose and place your hands on your hips. Set your attention and breath into the area between the navel and groin. Stay in this position for as long as you need to calm your mind and breathing. Bend your knees, feet on the floor and hip-width apart. Place your hands palm down on the floor. Push your feet into the floor and raise your hips slightly off the mat and then lower them back onto the mat. Repeat this up and down motion rapidly. This helps relieve muscle tension in the second chakra area.

Prepare for “butterfly” by placing the soles of your feet together and opening your knees out. This exercise also helps with pelvic and thigh tightness. Roll to the right side and come into seated pose, legs extended. Raise your right hip slightly off the ground and bend the knee as you roll the hip forward. Repeat on the left side. Continue on each side as you “walk” across the floor using only your buttocks and legs. You are connected to the earth fully but bringing focus to the area between your navel and groin.

Lie back down into corpse pose. Cross your right foot over your left knee and pull back on the left leg, stretching the hip. Now repeat on the other side, crossing your left foot over your right knee and pulling back on your right leg. You may finish the sequence by returning to corpse pose.

Lie back down into corpse pose. Cross your right foot over your left knee and pull back on the left leg, stretching the hip. Now repeat on the other side, crossing your left foot over your right knee and pulling back on your right leg. Finish the sequence by returning to corpse pose.

Although performing this sequence of poses (corpse, pelvic pulse, butterfly, buttock walk, hip stretch, corpse) once may cause an initial opening of the second chakra, practicing them regularly will strengthen the chakra by increasing fluidity while helping to open any blockages in
this area.

Suzanne Jackson

Suzanne Jackson is a professional opera singer and certified yoga instructor. She combined these two disciplines to create the yoga program “YogaSing: Yoga for Singers and Performers.” Her DVD, YogaSing, is available at www.yogasing.com and at the Metropolitan Opera Shop. Suzanne and ADO entertainment will present “YogaSing, Yoga and Wellness Techniques for Singers” in New York City in March 2007. For more information, go to YogaSing.com.