The Empowering Third Chakra

If you have not been following this series, let’s start with a short introduction to the chakra system before discussing the third chakra. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Chakras are energy centers located along the spine, and each chakra is associated with specific nerve, gland, and organ systems in the body. They are a nexus for moving energy throughout the body. This energy system is similar to the meridian system used in acupuncture.

The best way to explain chakras is to compare them to the way a compact disc works or to vortexes spinning at the corresponding energy centers of the body. When they are spinning the energy centers of the body are open and balanced. Chakras may become blocked through life experiences. When you open up chakras, energy can flow through them more efficiently, creating harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. As you work with the chakras, you will become more aware of the subtle changes in your body. This can be compared to learning a pose in yoga or an aria in singing. The more you practice the more your body is able to receive the pose or song. Chakra yoga poses will allow for the free flow of energy through all the energy centers, creating new sensations and heightened body awareness.

I had a regular yoga practice for years before I was introduced to the chakra system. Incorporating the knowledge of this system to my daily yoga and vocal practice has given both disciplines greater meaning.

The third chakra is the power center of the body. It is often called the solar plexus and connects to the body from the stomach’s back to midspine. It is directly related to the ego, personal power, and self-esteem. A person with a strong third chakra is constantly saying, “I can and I will” to themselves and to others and is able to face life as it is. A weak power center manifests through the constant need of approval from others, the fear of rejection or looking foolish, and the inability to meet one’s responsibilities.

This chakra is important to singers for many reasons. First, the solar plexus area is a center of physical strength in relation to the singer’s support system. Second, many emotions that we experience and portray on stage are felt “in the gut,” and third, a singer’s self-esteem is directly connected to his or her performance in auditions and on stage. Women sometimes have more difficulty with this chakra than men. This makes sense since many women spend their lives ashamed of this part of their body—“sucking in their gut” each day.

Singers’ views of the breath and belly differ greatly from one another. Some female singers want their dresses fitted tightly through the bodice to help them control their breathing by feeling the pressure. Others prefer a loose-fitting costume so they can fully expand the abdominal area with ease.

Regardless of your breathing preferences, the following exercises can strengthen the third chakra.

Physical Exercise

Any exercise that works the abdominal area is helpful for the third chakra. Regular sit-ups will strengthen this area. Just a warning, doing sit-ups incorrectly can hurt the back, and some precaution is necessary to work the abdomen in a way that will not only protect, but also strengthen and support the back.

A yoga pose that I use for the solar plexus is the star pose. Lie flat on the floor and stretch your arms out at 45-degree angles above your head and spread your legs apart, making a star shape with your body. Then slowly contract the abdominals by doing a pelvic tilt, bringing your arms and legs in until you are in the shape of a ball. Then go back to the star position. Repeat this as many times as you can. Remember to focus on your core and not your arms and legs.

Yogic breathing exercises, such as Kapalabhati and Bhastrika breath, are very helpful in addition to the abdominal strengthening work. They fill the body with more breath and oxygen. If you have sinus problems, glaucoma or a detatched retina, do not practice Kapalabhati or Bhastrika breath.

Kapalabhati Breath or Breath of Fire

This technique quickly oxygenates the blood, tones the abdominals and energizes the body. Begin by taking a cleansing breath. As you exhale, force the air through the nostrils, connecting the exhalation with your abdominal muscles. Then relax and allow the incoming breath to spontaneously fill your lungs. Repeat the cycle, making sure that exhalation is active and inhalation is passive. Start slowly and then increase the speed. Make sure your head and neck are aligned and the jaw is relaxed and not clenched together. Remember to do this excellent breathing exercise in moderation as not to over activate the nervous system.

Bhastrika Breath

Begin by taking a cleansing breath. In addition to breathing forcibly out through the nostrils, as in the previous exercise, actively inhale. Work to connect both inhalation and exhalation with your abdominals. Begin the cycle slowly and eventually work up the speed. This is wonderful for clearing the sinuses, digestion, and energizing your body.

To engage the third chakra without any work at all, rent a funny movie! Laughing is great for this chakra.

Musical Awareness Exercises

Music can strengthen the third chakra in a way that is more tangible than the music that corresponds to the other chakras. Any music that is sharp, clear, direct, and/or staccato—such as rap, hip-hop and some gospel—can stimulate the sense of power in your body. This is one reason that we sing! Songs with words encouraging the chakra, for example, are “I Will Survive” by Diana Ross or “Respect” by Aretha Franklin. Songs with a strong beat, such as any Will Smith rap song or Wagner overture, are also good. When I play this music while leading a class in working this chakra, my students understand the concept with more ease and have more fun!

Suzanne Jackson

Suzanne Jackson is a professional opera singer and certified yoga instructor. She combined these two disciplines to create the yoga program “YogaSing: Yoga for Singers and Performers.” Her DVD, YogaSing, is available at and at the Metropolitan Opera Shop. Suzanne and ADO entertainment will present “YogaSing, Yoga and Wellness Techniques for Singers” in New York City in March 2007. For more information, go to