Singer Resolution Updates

John Fisk— young singer doing the New York Auditions Circuit


1. Learn music, both for a new role and for cover assignments at my Young Artist Program.

REPORT: Hello again to everyone. The last month has been quite exciting. I’ve had two different productions, lots of rehearsal and performance, a little sickness, and some personal discoveries. Right off the bat, I have to say I didn’t keep to my resolutions in whole this month. I’ll do better in the coming month, especially since I’m learning at least two new roles in the next month or two for my upcoming YAPs.

2. Spend an hour a day (at least) sitting with a score, learning music.

REPORT: I didn’t spend an hour a day with scores, mostly because I was so busy with rehearsal (as well as burned out).

3. Sit in on a couple more lessons before I go. I’d like to seek out students of teachers that I’d like to study with to get a better feeling for these people before I shell out $100 an hour.

REPORT: I did sit in on one more lesson, which was reasonably interesting. But even more important, I learned a lot about the teachers that I AM interested in, and have a better feeling for who I’d like to explore with come September.

4. Have a little more fun. I’ve been doing a lot of sitting around and it’s getting to me a bit. The upside is the apartment is always clean; the downside is that I get moderately depressed not seeing the light of day.

REPORT: I did have more fun this month. I got out, saw more friends, had things to do every day, and was generally very “up” all month.

5. Keep healthy. I’ve gotten sick a lot recently. I’m not sure whether it’s due to whether, stress or inactivity, but I need to take better care of myself. This means eating regular meals and working out more often.

REPORT: As for keeping healthy, I’ve taken better care of myself this month, eaten better, exercised a little more, and have stayed in good vocal shape through all of my work, which was the eventual goal.


As for next month, I will be away at my YAP, singing my little heart out. I would like to:

1. Come prepared, ready to go, with all my music learned. (I know it’s a bit of a pipe dream, but if I KNOW it all, even if it’s not memorized, I will be in good shape.)

2. Keep myself healthy and moving while I’m there. I know it’s easy to be lazy when you leave home, and I want to make sure I keep moving, maybe find a running partner while I’m there.

3. Stay in touch with the rest of my life. This is a personal goal, I know, but just as important as the professional ones. I need to make sure I keep in contact with my friends in New York and not neglect them. It’s that neglect while I’m away that makes it harder to come back to New York and reinsert myself into their lives.
Wish me luck everyone. 🙂

Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk — A graduate student at Colorado State University at Boulder


1. Finish writing/schedule lecture recital.

REPORT: Though it will be written by the end of the month as planned, due to scheduling conflicts, I won’t be able to present it until the fall. Having it the first week of classes won’t put me behind schedule.

2. Physical therapy for my left knee. It’s bothered me for eight years.

REPORT: Been doing this regularly…slow but steady progress.

3. NATSAA regionals on April 13.

REPORT: Done. It was an honor to be in the company of such great singers!

4. Apply for a Lead TA position through the Graduate School.

REPORT: Done. My interview is today.

5. GET OUTTA TOWN! I need a break, even if just for two days.

REPORT: My husband and I went to the mountains for two days over spring break…what a blessing!

6. Schedule my fall recital.

REPORT: My chamber music recital is tentatively scheduled for November 24.

7. Decide on summer plans/programs.

REPORT: Done: I’ll be staying in Boulder, doing the summer shows with my talented husband, and taking my Post-Tonal Theory course. This course will keep me REALLY on schedule for finishing in three years or so.

8. Begin final papers for my theory and musicology classes.

REPORT: Begun. God help me get through the next three weeks!


1. Finish classes and papers.
2. Take German translation test.
3. Accompany one song for my piano requirement.
4. Audition for CU’s fall production of “La Bohème.”
5. Register for the summer semester.
6. Finish knee therapy.
7. Meet with my summer professor (it’s an independent study).
8. Get outta town—again! We’ll be stuck here until August otherwise.
9. Officially schedule those recitals. Right now it looks like there are no conflicts with my committee members.

Janeanne Houston —A professional singer performing, recording and teaching in Seattle


1. Get permission to use the poetry I want to use for next year’s commission and information from the composer’s publisher about the royalties they expect to receive. If it’s over the top, we may have to go back to the drawing board.

REPORT: I phoned the poet’s literary agent in New York and was given specific instructions as to what was needed to set the process in motion. It was necessary to have a response from the composer about a few details before I sent the written request. I ended up having to wait a long time for a reply since he was traveling. I finally sent the request anyway and received an e-mail from the composer the next day. I think this will take a while with communications from Seattle to New York to England, but I’m finding it a very interesting process. The royalties may be too costly, but I’ve laid the groundwork. I sent a copy of my first CD to the poet at Christmastime and received a kind note from her.

2. Take all the music for the recording to my pianist’s house and figure out which scores I need to buy, rent or borrow for the instrumentalists.

REPORT: Michael and I went through all of the music and threw out four of the things I was considering. I’ve since looked at a few more new works and may be using those. I ordered and received parts for the winds and strings; the remainder of the music will be for piano and voice. This recording is becoming a collection of things that I love to sing, some of it familiar and some not. One of the good things is that last year’s experiences have made this year much easier. I know what has to be done in advance and what can wait till nearer to recording time. I also got a lot of the “busy work” administrative things done this month.

3. Follow up on some of the audition requests and contacts I’ve made.

REPORT: This one got away from me for the most part and will be forwarded to next month. The school year is winding down and I find that it’s hardest for me to stay focused on making future performing contacts when I’m busy teaching and performing. I’m going to be singing in Oregon next month, so that will be helpful, as a couple of the auditions I want to arrange are there.

4. Stay healthy and do a good job on spring concerts. Help my students pass their juries and do a good job!

REPORT: I’ve been extremely healthy, avoided getting my husband’s cold, and have been getting regular exercise. I did a performance of the Brahms German Requiem that went very well. My students passed their juries. I managed to find some new concert wear for half price and which doesn’t need altering. Always a bonus!

5. Take the first warm sunny day off and play in the garden. It’s been a long winter!

REPORT: I’ve yet to have a sunny day off, but have been grabbing some time outside in between rain showers. I did go on one nice outing with some friends when it did not rain. I’ve enjoyed the sun through the studio window at PLU on a few occasions, and moved my computer and home office out of the basement into my home teaching studio, which has a view of the garden and a sliver of Mount Rainier from the window. This will help me stay on task if I can open the window and smell the jasmine during the summer! It’s a teeny house but my husband had the foresight to wire several of the rooms to the Internet!


1. Finalize recording arrangements and get scores to the players. Set up a June rehearsal with the instrumentalists before some of them go on vacation.
2. Stay healthy, sing well, keep exercising, and follow through on audition arrangements.
3. Rehearse, buy recording licenses for 20th Century works, and make sure the manuscript music is on hand.
4. Find a good harpist whom I can afford. A new arrangement that is being written for the recording recently became an arrangement that includes harp!
5. I still have a sunny day in the garden coming to me.

CJ Williamson

CJ Williamson founded Classical Singer magazine. She served as Editor-in-Chief until her death in July, 2005. Read more about her incredible life and contributions to the singing community here.