Resolutions: Month Number Twelve

This is the last month we will hear from our singers on their resolutions. I asked them, as a closing statement, to give us their resolutions for the coming year. Classical Singer thanks them for sharing their goals and lives with us throughout 2002 and wishes them great success in the future!

Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk
A graduate student at Colorado State University at Boulder

1. Finish this degree. If I can’t do it by August (I should be ABD by then, regardless), I plan to absolutely be graduated by December.
2. Get a job. If that doesn’t happen, I’ll really dig into all the extra programs CU offers, like certification through the Grad Teacher program, taking full advantage of my fellowship through Preparing Future Faculty, and teaching more students.
3. Get published. My lecture recital paper is ready for that.
4. Do more recital competitions. Making it to the NATSAA regionals inspired me to get out there more.
5. Exercise regularly. This year started well with that and has tapered off. This means getting outside more, not just slaving away in a gym. I need nature.

That’s all for now. Best wishes to everyone in the coming year!

Janeanne Houston
A professional singer performing, recording and teaching in Seattle

1. Assemble the music and record the final CD in the trilogy. It will be titled Who Calls the Stars by Name. Get all the “business ducks” in a row for the project.
2. Finish learning several opera roles that I’ve started and review my completed roles. Do several opera auditions, in addition to the usual concert work auditions.
3. Continue to learn and find new ways to help my students become the best they can be. Follow up on all important leads that come my way. Get copies of the new CD to key persons. Go to audition for the new conductors in the area, get out of the area to audition, and follow through with the contacts I have already made.
4. Do my best to make the networking group Northwest Artists a vital organization for its members.
5. Try to pay off this year’s CD before next summer. (Oh, I AM dreaming!)

Happy dreams to all of you!

CJ Williamson

CJ Williamson founded Classical Singer magazine. She served as Editor-in-Chief until her death in July, 2005. Read more about her incredible life and contributions to the singing community here.