Find Your Own Peak Performance

Week One of the revolving twelve-week Artist’s Way program for classical singers will start on April 1 in a new section of the Classical Singer Forum. The new group will be called “Peak Performance.” You are welcome to join us at any point in the program. Some participants will be using other books but the main focus will be Artist’s Way. All classical singers who are willing to work on their own progress while being supportive of others are welcome to participate. You will need a copy of the book which is available at most bookstores or at for $12.76 (used $6.50) and a notebook for journaling. Participants will be receiving weekly email announcements reminding them of the week’s assignments and reminding them to post their progress for the week.

Creative recovery and peak performance is a teachable, trackable process. Many artists have tried this process and found it to be true. The process is not for everyone, but most singers who have tried the program are amazed at how quickly they’ve seen results. You can find the new forum at
cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi. You will have to request access from our moderator. Unlike our other forums, this one will not be open to the general public. We wanted singers to have a safe place to try out ideas, thoughts and feelings. We invite you to join us.

One note: if the mere mention of the concept of a “higher power” in your life sends you running for the hills, AW may be a tough program to try. Some artists have done it anyway and simply ignored the concepts they don’t agree with. For example, the author strongly urges journaling to be done longhand. I use a computer. It still works.
–CJ Williamson

CJ Williamson

CJ Williamson founded Classical Singer magazine. She served as Editor-in-Chief until her death in July, 2005. Read more about her incredible life and contributions to the singing community here.