55 Ways to Improve Your Networking : Take this self-assessment quiz­are you a networking pro?

Our goal is to inspire you to be a power networker and enjoy the benefits and satisfaction of networking in your daily life. Whether you consider yourself a novice, intermediate, or expert networker, there is room for enhancement. The networking profile that follows will help you identify to what extent you are currently practicing the principles, tools, techniques, and attitude of a powerful networker. It will also reinforce the ideas you already practice, present new tools for greater effectiveness, and identify the steps you can take to achieve consistent networking success.

To determine your networking profile, score yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 in terms of how each statement applies to the way you currently live your life. Be honest with yourself. This is your opportunity to assess your present level of expertise before you start on a path to a new and exciting world of networking.

When you complete the series of statements, total your score and check to see where you rated yourself on the scale from Lone Ranger to power networker. You may notice that you have been a Lone Ranger most of your life or that you have already developed expertise and mastery in the area of networking.

The networking profile consists of nine sections that correspond to Chapters 11 through 19 of this book. In these chapters, each statement is explained with information, ideas, and examples. Personal stories show how these ideas have made an impact on the lives of people just like you.

Wherever you are today, you can develop new habits, enhance your skills, and integrate proven networking concepts into your life.

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 through 5.
1 = Never; 2 = Occasionally; 3 = Regularly; 4 = Frequently; 5 = Always

Know Your Own Power as a Networker

____ 1. I know the values and principles that are important in my life.

____ 2. I can list five major accomplishments that I am proud of in
my life.

____ 3. I am clear about my expertise and the resource I can be for others.

____ 4. I have given up the Lone Ranger mentality.

____ 5. I know my own power as a networker.

____ 6. I have a written list of long- and short-term goals that I review
and revise regularly.

____ 7. I have a network diagram that represents the magnitude and
diversity of my network.

Be Gracious and Courteous as You Network

____ 8. My presentation professionally represents who I am and what I do.

____ 9. I introduce myself in a way that is clear, concise, and per-sonable, and that generates interest.

____ 10. I am at ease in groups and use conversation generators effectively.

____ 11. I reintroduce myself to people rather than waiting for them
to remember me.

____ 12. I focus on people as they are introduced to me so that I
remember their name and who they are.

____ 13. I am comfortable playing host at networking events.

____ 14. I am comfortable promoting and creating visibility for myself and my business.

____ 15. I am gracious and courteous with every one I meet.

Handle Business Cards with Respect

____ 16. My business cards are attractive and representative of who I am and what I do.

____ 17. I have sufficient business cards handy for each situation.

____ 18. I give out my business cards appropriately.

____ 19. I make notations on business cards that I receive as memory joggers and
follow-up reminders.

Nurture Your Network with Acknowledgments

____ 20. I receive and give acknowledgments daily.

____ 21. I acknowledge the people who inspire me whether or not I personally know

____ 22. I nurture my network with calls, notes, and gifts in a timely and appropriate

____ 23. I have personalized notecards.

____ 24. I graciously receive and accept acknowledgment and sup-port.

Manage Yourself as a Resource

____ 25. I have established an effective system for organizing and
retrieving my network.

____ 26. My business card file is organized and up-to-date.

____ 27. I use a time management system effectively.

____ 28. My daily action list is completed each day with items trans-ferred
or checked off.

____ 29. I do what is in front of me rather than creating more items on my action list.

____ 30. I return phone calls within 24 hours.

____ 31. I organize my thoughts before making a phone call to referrals, leads,
or people in my network.

____ 32. I say no to events, activities, and meetings that drain my
time, energy, or focus.

____ 33. I prepare for networking events in order to maximize the opportunity.

Be Effective with Your Requests

____ 34. I ask for and use the support of others.

____ 35. I make requests of my network in a clear, concise, and non
demanding manner.

____ 36. I consistently find opportunities to ask, “Who do you know who…”

____ 37. I follow up promptly on leads.

____ 38. I gain value from every contact.

Create Visibility Through Participation

____ 39. I am a member of a professional organization.

____ 40. I serve on a committee or board of an organization.

____ 41. I regularly give referrals to and make requests of my network.

____ 42. I am aware of and use the “three-foot rule.”

____ 43. I consistently reevaluate and add to my network.

Develop a Personal Networking Approach

____ 44. I trust and follow my intuition.

____ 45. I am committed to the success of those in my network.

____ 46. I am known for the high level of service I provide.

____ 47. I am an active and perceptive listener.

____ 48. I operate with integrity and professionalism in all my interactions and
____ 49. I approach each contact and opportunity with an open mind.

Network to Enhance Your World

____ 50. I am known as a powerful networker with an established
and resourceful network.

____ 51. I use networking to benefit others and myself personally
as well as professionally.

____ 52. I keep my network in the forefront of my thinking.

____ 53. I am a role model for power networking.

____ 54. I see the world as one big network.

____ 55. Networking is a way of life for me.

CJ Williamson

CJ Williamson founded Classical Singer magazine. She served as Editor-in-Chief until her death in July, 2005. Read more about her incredible life and contributions to the singing community here.