Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor: I’m sending a belated note of thanks for your February 2007 article about singers and their pets. I especially appreciated [Lisa Houston’s] mention of the cruelty involved in fur garments, which are commonly associated with the “diva” image. I just saw a singer posting a fox fur coat for sale on the New Forum for Classical Singers website (nfcs.net). The poster described the coat as “very diva,” so it seems that this unfortunate perception still exists. Thank you for helping to raise public awareness about this issue within the singer community.
—Lauren Posch, via e-mail

Dear Editor: Have you thought about offering an e-subscription? The magazine would be available online only (no mailing) as well as the auditions, etc. for a discounted rate? —M. Tippets, Suffern, N.Y.

Editor’s note: The magazine archives since May 1998 are available online at www.classicalsinger.com. We don’t have a subscription for online access only, however, and currently don’t have any plans for one in the future.

Dear Editor: More about vocal changes that occur later in life.
—Sarah Levine Simon, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.