
Dear Editor: Thanks so much for the article on singers and YAPs [see the bonus Web article, “Teaching Perspective: Voice Teachers on Young Artist Programs” by Jason Vest, available online at]. I have been looking at Young Artist Programs myself and I found the information in the article incredibly valuable—particularly what these programs are looking for and how to handle the inevitable moment of leaving your voice teacher. Although the YAP audition process is daunting, I found the last lines of the article reassuring: be prepared (practice) and you’ll be fine.

Samantha Farmilant
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Editor: Love this publication! As a teacher and performer, the magazine keeps me fresh, motivated, and up to date. This is a check I don’t mind writing!

Lee Coleé-Atnip
Wimberley, Tx.


In the Summer Issue of CS, the article “Great Artists on Great Teaching” by Donald George did not credit Lucy Mauro. She compiled and edited the article and should have been listed in the byline with George.