Echoes from the Forum

On Support

Karen_Mercedes: I’ve increasingly come to be sympathetic with those who hate the word “support.” There is something so static about it.

Grace (regarding in and up support): Attempting to change that natural cycle of breathing in and adopting a more shallow, and for me, more unnatural way of breathing would be counterproductive to vocal freedom, I think.

Vagabond: The abs are not active during inspiration . . . the diaphragm is, everything else just works to get out of the way of the diaphragmatic expansion when inhaling, and staying out of the way to avoid pressure on the diaphragm while exhaling.

In Response to the Question:
How do you make your vibrato faster?

Cafiero: This is one of the most complicated things in all vocal pedagogy and production. You will get a bunch of answers from all different approaches. Find a good teacher that understands it is my advice.

Karen_Mercedes: Helium.

Basso1028: There is a lot of controversy about whether vibrato is a natural phenomenon or a “produced” product. It is possible for a vibrato to be altered by the singer, but the vibrato should appear naturally once the coordination is correct A manufactured or an altered vibrato almost always will lead to tension.

On Use of Throat Sprays:

Basso1028: I’d be leery though. A lot of things you spray into your throat can have adverse effects.

Cafiero: Nothing you spray into your throat touches your vocal folds, unless you breathe in while you spray it or make a sound as you spray it. That might not be a pleasant experience.

On College Requirements

Krisington: What do you think is the most important thing a high school singer needs to know when trying to get into colleges?

Vagabond: Potential, attitude, and honesty.

Katherine57: I would be looking to hear you sing something that is not beyond your age and current level of musical sophistication.

On Technique:

Vagabond: There are no secrets in singing; your body knows what to do. You need to learn it so you can help your body function at its best.