Center Stage : Lisa Anselmo, Soprano

Lisa Anselmo, soprano
New York, N.Y.

What have your career highlights been, so far?

The standout so far would have to be my performance on the red carpet at the New York Columbus Day Parade (televised by NBC/Rai Italia) for Grand Marshall Franco Zeffirelli. He came down from the stands to watch closely and intently. Nerve-wracking! But he was wonderful to me.

What are your goals for the next five years?
The next 10 years?

My primary goal: To be tension-free and sing with joy and abandon. After that, everything is a cakewalk. In five years: To make a good living solely from music. In 10: To not need to audition anymore. My life goals: To not have goals, but to live in “the now.”

Who is the mentor or most influential person in your life as a singer?

Lucine Amara has been amazing to me.

What is your dream role, and why?

One that pays. Seriously, I’d love to quit my day job. In the meantime, I dream of Lucia (di Lammermoor).

How do you handle the inevitable rejection that’s part of a singer’s life?

Therapy? Actually, I only weep openly in the streets if I know I performed badly (because I got in my own way). But that’s fixable.

I record my auditions and learn from them. I can’t control a decision to go with the willowy blonde, but I can control how well I let myself perform.

What is your favorite article you’ve read in Classical Singer, and why?

“Are You a Plan A or Plan B Singer?” by Neil Semer. This article changed my life as a performer.

Who is your favorite singer?

I have many favorites for different reasons. Aw, who am I kidding: Joan Sutherland. I listen to her version of “Let the bright seraphim” every day, like a vitamin. The high D at the end—egads!

What is your favorite techno tool you use as a singer?

I’m obsessed with my iPod. It’s a great tool not only for music on the go, but to record lessons, voiceover homework, and with a database and calendar. It’s all I need.

Do you have a motto by which you live?

“Just shut up and do it.” Or to shamelessly quote The Matrix, “Don’t think you are; know you are.”