Center Stage : Misha Penton, Mezzo Soprano

Misha Penton
Mezzo Soprano
Houston, Texas

Please tell our readers about your career highlights so far.

Three world premiere operas, including the upcoming monodrama Incline, O Maiden by James Norman, based on the character of Marguerite from Goethe’s Faust. In the fall, I take on the role of Leah, a woman possessed by her dead lover, in The Dybbuk, a mystical Jewish tale by Ofer Ben-Amots. I’m also the artistic director of my own opera and interdisciplinary performing arts company, Divergence Vocal Theater. In 2008-09, we premiered two evening-length works (I sang in both): “theatrical fusions” of off-the-beaten-path classical vocal repertoire, text/theater, and contemporary dance.

What are your goals for the next five years? The next 10 years?

My goals are touring with my company; creating an intimate solo or one-to-two-singer tour-able production; and continuing to premier new works, including current collaborations as librettist on new music-theater pieces.

What is your dream role, and why?

Eboli and Lady Macbeth: big dream roles. I have strong acting and movement skills, so I like complex, intense (often insane) women.

How do you handle the inevitable rejection that is part of a singer’s life?

My career and my attitude are my responsibility. Networking has been my greatest ally when it comes to landing roles, and I strive to create my own singing opportunities. I clearly delineate between the craft of singing and the commercial business of singing. Sometimes the two merge, but my practice time and commitment to my voice come before anything else. As the yogi Pattabhi Jois has said, “Practice, and all else is coming.”

How do you balance career and family?

I am very lucky that my husband is super supportive (he’s also a workaholic like me), and my cats’ preference for Verdi is encouraging.

What is your favorite article you’ve read in Classical Singer and why?

Anything by no-nonsense, mega-inspirational, Cindy Sadler. I’ve also had consultations with her. If you’re looking for someone who can simultaneously give you insight to the industry, illuminate your place in the “food chain,” and inspire you, Cindy’s your woman.

Who is your favorite singer and why?

Waltraud Meier—a total inspiration. Her voice, acting, range of roles, and long career are totally amazing!

What is your favorite tech tool you use as a singer?

Logic Express on my MacBook Pro—for a myriad of techie musical fun.

Anything else you’d like to say during your Center Stage moment?

I’d like to see more singers as artistic directors, singers being creative with the wealth of repertoire at our disposal, and singers taking control of the direction of their careers. I’d like entrepreneurship to permeate the industry. In other art forms, artists are out there doing their thing: choreographers, dancers, actors, playwrights, composers, directors, performance artists, visual artists, and musicians in other genres. This is our art form—don’t let anyone tell you different. Promote yourself.