February 2017

Mid-Career Magic: : Piotr Beczala

Tenor Piotr Beczala is having a meaningful career, built over decades of consistent excellence that keeps him in high demand at the world’s most illustrious houses, as he continues to benefit greatly from the support of his wife, Katarzyna, who gave up her own successful career as a singer two decades ago to support and travel with him. But his career also stands on a foundation of respect and serious attention paid to the lineage of singers that preceded him. Perhaps it’s that awe for both the past and present that has helped Beczala find a remarkable sense of balance in his personal and professional life, all of which he discusses in this exclusive interview.

From the Editor : Love and Sacrifice

At last year’s Classical Singer Convention in Boston in May, I was assigned to work at the registration desk, checking singers and presenters in, giving them their convention packets and

The Singer’s Library: : Matters of the Heart

Singer and voice teacher Agatha Carubia melds yogic philosophies and classical singing technique in her recent book. Carubia has found that her methods for opening the body and freeing the voice can help singers of all genres, including her student Katy Perry. Read more about her unique technique and how she is sharing it with students and voice teachers.

Love Story : A Chronicle of Amore Opera

Sit down with a hot cocoa on a February day and read this true story of how a dedicated group of musicians saved the opera company they loved.

Two Sides to Anne-Carolyn Bird’s Story

One year ago this month, CS’s cover story featured Anne-Carolyn Bird and her husband, Matthew Burns, two singers on the road with their young family. This year, we catch up again with Bird to find out how her family’s changing needs led to an unexpected but perfect career change.

Musings on Mechanics : Why Can't We all Get a Song? The Perils and Paradoxes of Auditions

Nary a singer loves to audition. And a Twitter account highlighting things “overheard” at auditions shows how they often bring out the worst in singers, even though every singer goes in hoping to show their best. Claudia Friedlander takes a look at this and other contradictions of the audition scene.

The Music Major Minute: : Interns, Volunteers, and Apprentices—Oh My!

Even if you know your long-term goal is a career on the stage, taking a look at some other jobs in the music industry is never a bad idea, and an internship can be a great place to start.